The Powerful Truth About Food, Health & Happiness
If you’re ever wondering how much effort you should put into eating healthy, consider these two, fundamental facts. First, your body is your home - the most important one you’ll ever live in. It deserves to be taken care of.
Sleep – The Forgotten Nutrient For Good Health
The benefits of good sleep for health, happiness, longevity, and overall well-being cannot be overstated. Most people greatly underestimate its value. Eating well and being active is not enough. Sleep is critical for brain health, managing your moods, reducing stress,
Eight Awesome Habits For A Healthier, Happier Year
If you want to make this year, an exceptional year, make this the year you master eight habits linked to health and happiness. After all, it’s your habits, or patterns of behaviour, that ultimately determine how great your life can
Do These Seven Things To Slow Aging Significantly
At the end of your chromosomes or DNA strands, you have protective caps called telomeres (sort of like the plastic caps at the end of shoelaces). The length of your telomeres can tell you how fast or slow you’re aging,